Another festival has accepted A Zest for Life. This one is in France. In Cannes, to be exact, but let me be clear about this: it's not THE Cannes film festival. It's something completely appropriate, and I'm very pleased. It's the Festival International du Film PanAfricain. They've accepted us for their festival in 2013. (By the time I applied, the 2012 festival entry period had already closed.
And even more good news: Peralta TV, a San Francisco bay area television station wants to screen Two Street and Adela. It will probably screen at the end of April or beginning of May. will try to keep you inform.
And I'm in the middle of planning my trip to Berlin for the festival there, where they'll screen A Zest for Life. I've bought my ticket but still I don't have a hotel. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
And if anyone has even the slightest inclination of helping me out financially in this exiting but expensive endeavor, please go to LINK
Will be about more filming.