Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Listening to criticism, offering streaming versions

A year or so ago, a reviewer opined that my experimental short Two Streets & Adela had missed a great opportunity by not showing hardly any of the lovely and historic city in which the action takes place.  I took that comment to heart, and figured out how to add some beauty shots without sacrificing the story or my intentions.

In an ardent desire to move into the modern world, I've made Two Streets & Adela available on-line for streaming or download HERE

On the set of Two Streets & Adela

Streaming seems like a good idea.  "Everyone" spends so much time each day on-line that it makes sense to have a full, on-line presence.  It's also a lot easier to deal with after you've gotten the initial set-up completed.

With that thought, I have now uploaded Tone Poem with Hang Drum and some time within the next three months, CreateSpace/ will make it available.  (They are very slow.)

Liron Mann (Liron Man) with his hang drum.

In the next few weeks, I'll get other of my videos up as well but it's a slow process.  it takes hours to convert a video to a format that CreateSpace/ like, and more hours to upload once the conversion is done.

FYI re the final product:  purchasing a streaming version on Amazon/com usually runs less than $2.00;  the download is a little more expensive.
Eve A. Ma has produced/directed about six experimental shorts, several shot in Spain and a few in the U.S..  She is now editing  a short she and her crew filmed in Peru called Masters of Rhythm.  She hopes to complete it before the end of 2015.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

National Educational Television - NETA - at last!

I have been dying to have my work get national exposure.  I went to Peru last December because the director of NETA (National Educational Television Assn.) suggested this was the only way I could make my documentary, A Zest for Life, suitable for them to include for broadcast over national educational television.  Well, the trip paid off and NETA has now officially accepted A Zest for Life


It will take about two months for the documentary to get set up, but then, well, the sky's the limit.

So what is NETA and how does educational television in the United States work?

Let's start at the bottom, where we find public access stations, really great, locally connected television stations who allow almost anyone that walks through the door to put on a TV show - and in many cases, also teach them how to do it.  I say "almost anyone," because many local public access stations do have a residency requirement and things of that sort.

Similar to the public access stations are the television stations run by educational institutions in which the students learn how to make television programs by - making television programs.

Next up is local broadcast above the public access level.  Here, you have professionals but not the cream of the cream professionals.  This will be your local, commercial stations.  They do a lot of local news and local interest programming.

Sticking with educational television but moving on to quite a higher level, you have PBS.  Each individual PBS station can put on, or select, its own programming so long as it fits the national PBS guidelines.  Above that, you have the national educational distributors who distribute not only to PBS stations but also to other educational television networks.

Some of these national distributors pay for all the programming they accept, some pay for only some of it and take the rest free, and some don't pay for any of the programming they accept.  Why would they get free programming?  Because of people like me, who want national exposure but haven't quite gotten to the level of having programming good enough to get paid real money for it.

So that's where I am - national, but not yet paid.

My next goal, of course, it to make something that will not only air nationally but that I will get paid for.  I'm hoping to reach that goal within the next year.  Let's see what happens.