This is going to be a tourist story.
I´m back in Jerez and since returning, in spite of best intentions,
first I caught a cold and then was overwhelmed by the annual, 2-week Festival de Flamenco de Jerez de la Frontera. The festival ended on Saturday, March 8, and I ended up taking a class in rhythm/palmas (fun,
fun, fun) and in dance (seguiriyas-lots of work but also really great).
Here's the theater where the major festival events were presented.
The rhythm/palmas class was with Luis de la Tota. Of course I forgot to bring my camera to take pictures, but here´s a photo of Luis that I have from when he was acting in Domino: Caught in the Crisis.
Luis de la Tota, palmero extraodinaire.
The dance class was with María del Mar Moreno, and she really wanted us to work. That´s good. That´s how you learn. But I´ll just mention that on the final day of class, when we had gone all the way through the choreography about five times - to say nothing of working on individual sections - and our time was up, a student much younger than me said something like "Man, I´m exhausted. At least now we can rest."
María heard this and said, "You´re all much younger than I am, and you´re saying you´re tired? No good. Let´s go through the choreography again."
And so we did.
Including me, even though I am NOT younger than she is. But that´s not a problem. I have lots of energy.
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