Thursday, May 10, 2012

Photo essay on the Black International Cinema festival in Berlin

Our documentary, A Zest for Life:  Afro-Peruvian Rhythms, a Source of Latin Jazz, screened in the recent Black International Cinema festival in Berlin, Germany.  It was a satisfying experience:  nice people, interesting films, our documentary was well-received and yours truly (Eve Ma) got interviewed for an English-language television station in Berlin.

Here are a few photos.

Eve Ma (me) with festival organizer Dr. Donald Griffith

Rathaus Schoenenberg, where the festival was held.

Close-up of clock tower of the Rathaus Schoenenberg

The festival´s hard-working projectionist.

A bit of Berlin, new synagog in the background (left).

Speaks for itself, doesn´t it?

Me in front of the city concert hall, between the German and French towers.
Top of the Brandenburg Tor.

This (the line of bricks) is where the Berlin wall once stood.

The river Spree, where it splits, near the cathedral and Museum Island.

 And that´s it, folks.  I have about 100 photos but decided this is enough.

OUR NEXT POST will be about "the festival circuit."

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