Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mexico's indigenous civilizations - the Aztecs (part 1 of 3)

Mexico had a long and rich history before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores.   There were the Aztecs, the Maya, the Mixtecs, the Olmecs, the Toltecs...and probably many others, but those are the ones whose names I know.

The Aztecs are probably the most famous.  It´s when Hernán Cortés conquered them that the modern history of Mexico officially begins.

Aztec calendar

That event took place in 1621, a LONG time ago.  It happened within a year of the death of the last great emperor of the Aztecs, Montezuma (or Moctezuma) II. who Cortés captured and who died while a captive...either killed by Cortés or by his own people, depending on which version you read.

The Aztecs are famous for building great pyramids, and for engaging in human sacrifice.  The extent of this human sacrifice was greatest in the last 50 years of their rule by which time thousands of people a year were killed in this manner, many of them captives of war.  This is only one thing which made them very unpopular with their neighbors.  Another was their relentles conquering, followed by demanding immense quantities of tribute from those who they conquered.

Aztec deity spearing a woman.

This is why it was relatively easy for Cortés to turn around and conquer THEM.  He only had 150 soldiers at his disposal, but he had the aid of over 100,000 warriors from the Aztec´s neighbors.

Another thing that made the conquest relatively easy was a smallpox epidemic which inflicted the Aztecs right after Montezuma II was killed.  Smallpox had been introduced to the area just a few years earlier by the Spaniards.

NEXT EPISODE will appear on Sept. 6.


In our documentary-in-progress, Strong Roots, Bright Flowers:  Arts of Mexican Immigrants and Chicanos, we interview an Aztec drummer and watch part of an Aztec ceremony to learn more about Aztec culture. Keep up to date on our progress by going HERE.

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